Chicken Queen

Chicken Wing Chicken


2 pc. meal

thigh/drum stick

2 pc. meal

wing/half breast

3 pc. meal

half breast/thigh/drum stick

4 pc. meal

mixed/half chicken

4 pc. meal

dark/2 thigh/2 drum

4 pc. meal

white/2 breast/2 wing

choice of two‎

chicken salad sandwich


real chicken sandwich


our own chicken soup


chicken to go‎

6 wings


8 pcs. all dark


8 pcs. mixed


12 pcs. mixed


16 pcs. mixed


20 pcs. mixed


half breast 2.75

wing .80

leg (drumstick and thigh


outer cape‎

chocolate chip cookies

2 cookies


half dozen



call ahead


cole slaw


potato salad






green beans




real mashed potatoes


baked butternut squash (seasonal)


chicken packages‎

package a feeds 2-4 people

8‎ pc. rotisserie chicken, 2 large side dishes, 4 rolls

package b feeds 4-6 people

12 pc. rotisserie chicken, 3 large side dishes, 6 rolls

package c feeds 6-8 people

16 pc. rotisserie chicken, 3 large side dishes, 6 rolls

package d feeds 8-10 people

20 pc. rotisserie chicken, 4 large side dishes, 8 rolls